- Employee Ethics
- The company creates an environment where members work and grow voluntarily and enthusiastically.
Employees should contribute to the company's development and value creation for stakeholders.
- Customer Focus
- The company must continuously satisfy customers to earn their trust and grow together.
- Shareholder Responsibility
- The company should enhance corporate value to benefit shareholders, ensuring transparency and efficient management.
- Relationship with Partners
- The company collaborates with its partners for mutual growth and competes fairly with competitors.
- Social Responsibility
- The company contributes to economic development and makes social and cultural contributions to society.
It should manage operations in accordance with social norms and ethical standards.
Ethical Management System
Gridwiz operates an Ethics Management Committee
as the highest decision-making body for ethical management.
- Chairperson: CEO
- Ethical Management Committee
- Responsible Department
Policy and
guideline development -
Integration of
ethical education -
Resolution of
ethical conflicts -
Monitoring and
Operation of Counseling/Reporting System
Gridwiz employees have the option to request counseling or report incidents through the "Grievance Handling" system in cases involving unfair practices, improper requests such as bribery and entertainment, improper use or misuse of company assets, unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, document or data manipulation, or any other misconduct and malpractice.
Ensuring anonymity of the reporter, reported issues are promptly and swiftly addressed to prevent recurrence of the same issues in the future.
Step 1
Step 2
Report Received
Step 3
Step 4
Resolution & Follow-up